ADOM Steam Award nominations and 10% winter sale!

Hi everyone!

Two exciting things are happening for ADOM @ Steam right now:

  1. The Steam Award nominations are running right now. We feel that ADOM fits the „Stood the test of time“ category particularly well as there are probably are very few (if any?) games on Steam that have been under development for more than 20 years and can show the results! If you think likewise please head over to Steam and give us your vote on the ADOM Steam store page! Thanks a lot!
  2. Right now ADOM is taking part in the Winter sales event (something we are not doing very often). If you have not yet tried ADOM Deluxe on Steam with its ton if incredible extra features (see this list for a complete overview) now is a good time to cash in on a 10% discount and get started with ADOM at Steam. Have fun!
In the meantime we continue to work on getting various physical crowdfunding rewards shipping (the ADOM Lite RPG books should arrive around the 28th of November at my location – all 16 boxes from what UPS told me 😉 and we will start packaging and shipping immediately) and this weekend I hopefully will get all postcards for the reverse postcard quests prepared and send. So if you still haven’t confirmed your shipping address now the final hours for the first batch are running out!
(people below already seem to be lining up to get in on the fun 😉 )

ADOM R69 released to both Steam players and prerelease testers

Hi everyone!

We are happy to announce the release of ADOM R69 to both our Steam players and the prerelease tester circle (the usual download access for prerelease testers). Some time later we also might do a general public release of R69 as lots of new stuff has been added to the game since the last public release.
ADOM R69 (version 2.2.3) is only a very minor bug fix release that hopefully copes with the final annoying bugs and hopefully also somewhat enhances our graphical performance. You can find the tiny changelog here (it’s incomplete at the time of this writing; due to our pending transition I right now need Jochen to change it but he’s on the road right now – so we’ll update it later).

The most important changes are:

  • Shifting dungeons should no longer crash NotEye (issue 4397; still needs to be listed in the changeling).
  • Zeno has added preloading for images (and a corresponding loading bar) to the game. Hopefully this speeds up the graphical UI on slower systems during the game (although startup now might take longer). We also are working on another batch of graphical performance improvements that will foot on an internal caching system for expensive changes. We have not yet included this in the current release as it still needs some work and also requires extensive testing.
  • A few other minor fixes for annoying bugs (see the changeling).
Important note for Steam users: ADOM R69 is a public Steam release, lf you played the Steam beta versions of R67 or R68 you now can switch back to playing the normal ADOM version by right-clicking on ADOM in your library, selecting „Properties“, going to the „Betas“ tab and selecting „None“ for the current beta.
What’s up next? We’ll wait for a couple of days to see if any other major bug found its way into ADOM. If not we’ll finally convert our internal version control system from Subversion to GIT which will enhance our future ability to provide faster updates. I’ll also resume my work on the next major content release. Barring any new major problems in R69, ADOM R70 will be a pretty major content release with tons of new stuff (slightly outlined already here and more is under work).
And now enjoy playing!

ADOM R68 released as a Steam Beta!

As promised yesterday we released ADOM R68 (version 2.2.2, yeah!) a couple of minutes ago as a Steam Beta version. ADOM R68 has become a surprisingly intricate release. Originally we intended to fix just a few more bugs but by now we have implemented more than 50 changes in the release (bug fixes and new features).

See the changelog for details. The most important changes include:

  • Performance has been greatly improved, especially on levels with many monsters. There is another batch of performance improvements coming up related to the graphical UI but these were too complex to include them in R68.
  • The character generation process has been greatly improved: The back button now works correctly, some selection features (e.g. star signs) now are error-free, character generation does not hang anymore on Linux systems (a stupid curses library incompatibility with some curses versions), game customization features once more work correctly, the character creation process configuration is stored in more situations and more.
  • Challenge mode once again works correctly.
  • Several PC combinations have been enhanced (e.g. ratlings now have a wider range of charisma, farmers and bards start with a whistle, etc.)
  • Several achievements finally work correctly (Lithium Man, Titanium Man).
  • Some encounters have been made more challenging (e.g. boss monsters and doppelgangers), vile spirits have been weakened somewhat in order to enhance the fun of fighting them.
  • There are more random vaults in the game.
  • Magic missile once more has a nice graphic.
  • A nasty crash with shifting dungeons has been fixed.
  • And so much more. See the changelog for all details.

Naturally we are quite excited due to the big number of changes and hope that we didn’t ruin anything  in the process of changing all this. Let us know.

In order to play ADOM R68 please use the following instructions:

  • Go to your Steam games library.
  • Right-click on the ADOM entry.
  • Click on „Properties“.
  • Select the „Betas“ tab.
  • Select „Beta – public beta test“ in the dropdown box.
  • Close the dialog.
  • Play.
(If you already tried ADOM R67 the update should download automatically – save files are compatible!)

If you bought prerelease access please be a little patient – as soon as we get the confirmation that no major showstoppers have been introduced we also will release R68 to the prerelease testers. Why the change in sequence? In order to be fast it seemed to be wiser with this release (which mostly contains bug fixes and very minor features) to go with the thousands of Steam players first (instead of with the hundreds of prerelease testers who are much more experienced and less sensitive to minor bugs). With the next feature release this again will be reversed as the ton of content that is under preparation will require all the experience of the prerelease testers to test it to its limits before we even would dare to confront the newer Steam audience with the next content release 😉 Thanks for your understanding!

ADOM R67 (version 2.2.1) released as a Steam beta release


It’s the last step before the general public Steam release: If you have bought ADOM on Steam you already now can play the latest release – but you will have to do some extra steps as we still would like to receive some feedback on its stability before releasing it to the general public.

To be able to play ADOM R67 (version 2.2.1) execute the following steps:

  • Go to your Steam games library.
  • Right-click on the ADOM entry.
  • Select the „Betas“ tab.
  • Select „Beta – public beta test“ in the dropdown box.
  • Close the dialog.
  • Play.
We’ll keep it like this for another 3-4 days and if no major bugs are reported we will release ADOM to the general Steam public.
You can find the list of changes here (all the changes since December, 2015, so all for R65, R66 and R67). If you find any problems please report them here. The major changes are:
  • Point-based character generation and generally a much more versatile character generation process
  • New dungeons, items and adventures (tome of donors added, etc.)
  • Many new graphics
  • Fine-tuning to many items and monsters (tougher bosses!)
  • Better walk-explore mode (just press „-“ to see)
  • And lots more. Read the change log 🙂
And now enjoy the game – we are eagerly waiting for your feedback!
Thomas & Team ADOM

ADOM Deluxe R64 (version 2.0.3) released on Steam

Greetings everyone!

We just released ADOM Deluxe R64 (version 2.0.3) on Steam a couple of moments ago.

This release contains a couple of long awaited and important enhancements as well as continuing our quest in refining the UI. The most important new features are:

  • ADOM now can be played in offline mode. Sorry for that annoyance, but you now can play at any time and anywhere.
  • ADOM now contains the option to freely select star signs. This provides even more enjoyment by allowing you to truly play the character combination you want.

Additionally we have focussed on enhancing the user interface, in this release solely by fine-tuning the keyboards commands required to play the game:

  • You now can press ENTER to open a list of important context-sensitive commands. You then can select your preferred command from a list instead of having to memorize all key bindings.
  • The explore command (activated by pressing minus ‚-‚) has been made smarter in that it no longer runs into loops, moves towards unvisited item stacks and generally has more optimized path finding options.
  • The use command has become more powerful so that you basically can use all items by just memorizing the ‚u‘ key (although other ways might be faster).
  • We have greatly streamlined the online help. New players now need to learn so much less than the version implied in former versions so that they hopefully won’t be scared anymore 🙂

Finally we have squished more annoying bus so that we hopefully are back to a totally stable version and have defeated the last few remaining steam launch problems (especially under Linux).

As usual the complete changelog is available here.

If you want you now probably just need to memorize three keys (ENTER, minus ‚-‚ and ‚?‘) plus the cursor/numpad keys for movement and you will be able to play the complete game with that. There are faster and more elegant ways if you step by step learn more keys, but basic gameplay with the keyboard now is extremely simple.

While we know that many of you also are waiting for a better mouse-based user-interface this is our agenda for the next series of releases (which will prepare controller-based console play, an exciting team-based game feature setting I currently like to call ‚Rogueleague‘ (TM) as well as tons of new story elememts).

And now enjoy playing the game – a subsequent post in the next couple of days will summarize our strategy for the next months to come. Expect many exciting new features and releases!

Vote for ADOM to be in the top 10 at IndieDB!

We made the first step – ADOM has entered the top 100 list of games at IndieDB thanks due to your votes. Now your help is needed a second time (I think) – please vote for ADOM to enter the top 10 (or even be #1) at Indie DB:

This is the easiest way to help us getting more visibility which is very important to continue riding the Steam train successfully which in turn allows to add more features for years to come!

So please vote for us while we are preparing the next ADOM Deluxe release – which is going to include the long-awaited star sign selection feature among other awesomeness 🙂

ADOM R62 (version 2.0.1) released on Steam

It’s still true…

Sadly our very first release was plagued with some crash bugs and hangers due to some unwise last minute decisions. We believe that we have identified and fixed all these problems and thus are happy to announce ADOM R62 (version 2.0.1) as a Steam release.

The most important additions are:

  • ‚u’se tool now is more intelligent: When you have no tool equipped it lets you select an item to use from your backpack (this is the first step to reduce the number of keys a new player will need to know – the second step with the next release will be to allow many uses, e.g. eating, drinking, etc. directly).
  • The ‚explore unknown areas‘ command (w?) now also is bound to ‚-‚ (minus) to make it much more accessible. I already have become addicted and also have noticed a couple of areas where it should be made more intelligent (e.g. when discovering monsters and items; also something to do for the next step).
  • Additionally exploration mode now offers a wand of wishing with 42 wishes as people complained about our tough limit of 4. We live to please 😉

For those plagued by bugs on Steam in the R61 (version 2.0.0) release we are happy to announce that

  • Alt-tabbing and shift-tabbing no longer should cause any problems.
  • There no longer should be any hangs when leaving the game unobserved in the background.
  • Reading spellbooks no longer should cause any NotEye problems.
  • Right-clicking on altars no longer should cause problems.

As usual you can find the list of changes here.

If we do not hit any other serious issues ADOM R63 will take a little longer as we intend to do some heavy-lifting on the UI side. The Steam release brought lots of interesting insights on how to simplify the UI without completely changing it and now I’m even optimistic that we might have Steam controller support at some not too distant point 😉

And now go playing on Steam – the prerelease tester versions also will be uploaded soon (Jochen is working on it). The next free version will have to wait a little, though as none of these serious problems should have been present in ADOM R60.

ADOM is live on Steam!

Thanks to the ADOM community for supporting us along this long road, remaining patient and believing in us. We are eternally grateful for the many friends, wonderful discussions and inspiring ideas we met along the way. Now go playing ADOM on Steam and spread the news everywhere!

ADOM R61 (version 2.0.0 – it has been coming a long way 😉 now is available on Steam and for all prerelease testers on the usual place. You can find a list of the latest changes in the usual place.