ADOM Lite RPG is shipping today (yeah!)

Hi everyone!

It was a long day and a longer night. Quite long actually for a normal working week (which in December usually is somewhere between 50 to 60 hours due to the way IT service business seems to work in our region). But it is done. In one monumental act of energy my wife Melanie, my good friend Claudia and me managed to pack all ADOM Lite RPGs (for all the folks who up to know validated their shipping addresses). There are a few more that need to be done at some point (because they are moving right now, have not yet validated their addresses or whatever) but the vast majority of all RPGs is going to be send out in about two hours. Read on for the dirty details…
As is to be expected for people not very experienced there were a couple of botches during the processes but I believe we worked out all of them (and we double or even triple checked):

  • We lost a lot of time in the beginning (after an hour of work we had finished only the very first package) due to preparatory work (which partially wasn’t useful as we learned later).
  • The stickers I bought were the first thing to go… it took too long to get the back off from the sticky side (because we had to manually cut the stickers to size due to vast differences in the lengths of global shipping addresses… never believe that 200 characters are enough for street addresses). This probably was the biggest problem that caught up with us.
  • While packing I found a total of 3 bugs in my code that generated the ordered sequence of the numbered RPG issues people receive (based on the point in time when they donated). Luckily all bugs were caught early enough and everyone gets the right number. But my heart stopped all three times because we had finished dozens or a hundred packages when those things popped up and I feared we would have to unpack a vast majority. But the gods and the RNG were with us… none of the bugs had affected packed packages. Whew… This probably was the second biggest problem that caught up with us because I again and again had to print new picking lists.
  • Closing the shipping envelopes with those metal gizmos proved to be very time-consuming (and painful to our appendages). I’m very grateful to both Melanie and Claudia who took the brunt of the pain. Lesson learned: Don’t be part of a crowdfunding campaign that has to ships thousands or tens of thousands of physical goods (only if you are so organized that someone else is doing the fulfillment… but then take care that you don’t have to sign or personalize thousands of goods 😉 ).
  • Filling out the customs form on each envelope took a lot longer than expected. As the physical value of the books is not very high (you basically paid for writing the stuff… printing it costs about $3.94 per issue with Lulu) I hope that there won’t be any problems with customs for you. But I noticed that I have no actual idea (keeping my fingers crossed).
  • Only once we got briefly confused with the order of shipping labels – which proved time consuming to sort out. But due to the extreme structured organization of Claudia and Melanie this went surprisingly smooth although we worked on increasing our level of parallelism all the time.
  • At some point we ran out of boxes to use for storing the packed envelopes. Luckily that was close to the end so that it was easy to find an alternative.
In the end we went form one package per hour to probably 80 to 90 per hour (how’s that for a learning system, eh?) and finished the final envelope at 2:22am on the 1st of December, 2016.
I just awoke from my coma and now have a long business day ahead of me but I’m so much looking forward to dropping off the envelopes (which BTW are very nice and sturdy so that your RPGs should arrive in perfect shape). It will be fun to see the reaction of our tiny local post office but they had been warned in advance 🙂
I’m not sure if the second shipping run is going to occur before Christmas (probably not) because we want to have an as large as possible batch to process (due to the overhead of organizing the work).
Here are some impressions from a long night…
The raw materials (envelopes, RPGs and sticking labels) before we started:
Our work table at the beginning… we yet had to refine our process and work on parallelizing stuff. But if you never packed huge amounts of similar stuff you’ll learn a lot very fast (or die trying 😉 ):
Work had started and we were processing the first batches of RPGs:
First blood… the first couple of envelopes are finished:
The middle of the night… slowly we are becoming desperate because now the crunch is taking our souls… being stuck somewhere in the middle with the clock ticking (we all have to work today), a feeling of „we can make it“, an impression of „but the way to success is still quite long… to put it carefully) and the will to win makes for strange feelings:
But… in the end… we succeeded in our quest, slew the dragon and got everything finished:
And here is the glorious crew of rogues that managed to pull it off in incredible team play (don’t believe that roguelikes are single player all the time ;-D ):
I am deeply indebted to Melanie and Claudia for their amazing support – without them it would have taken weeks to get this finished. And now I’ll get some food and then drop off those envelopes at the post office. See you later!
Thomas (& Melanie & Claudia)

The Eagle Has Landed

16 boxes full of ADOM Lite RPG copies arrived today:

Boy, that looks like quite a bit of work 🙂 And here they are:

I’m still waiting for some special packaging material (after my lessons learned with the postcards at the weekend). I had recruited the help of friends of family in getting the stuff packaged so that we will start on Wednesday packing stuff (and probably shipping by Thursday). I still am optimistic and hope that we manage to get all RPGs packed in one fell swoop but we will see. Usually things take a lot longer than I imagine in the beginning. I will keep you updated 🙂
It feels awesome to finally get this done (although I just noticed that I completely forgot about the ADOM Lite RPG character sheet I still wanted to design – I so far have always been using hand-crawled notes and still need to get that thing up; maybe it will be a little late – but as it is an extra I hope that you will forgive me for that 😉 )

Reverse ADOM postcard quest (almost) finished (for now)!

Yeah, it’s done. After a very, very long day I am happy to report that I have personalized 150 postcards promised during the „Resurrect ADOM development“ crowdfunding campaign with an individualized drawing on each of them 🙂 In the middle I was not sure if I would have enough ideas but now there are 150 iconic scenes from ADOM, hand-drawn by me 🙂

Here’s how orderly my table was in the beginning:

I won’t show the finished cards here but maybe people would like to post pictures when they receive their cards. If you feel like it please post them either in the forums or in our Facebook group. The cards will be posted to the mail tomorrow morning (right now it’s 10:45pm over here).

I’m curious to hear what you think when you receive them. Collected they would make for a cute exhibition I think 🙂 And now I’m off for today in order to cool my hurting hand 😉

Next up: Packing about 480 ADOM Lite RPG issues to have them sent out before Christmas (they should arrive by tomorrow at my location over here – after the experience with the postcards today I will start packing them by Tuesday or Wednesday because I this afternoon ordered some special materials which should greatly simplify packing). I also already have called for support – so hopefully this will go quickly (as I don’t need to come up with individualized drawings anymore 😉 ). I’ll keep you all updated!

ADOM Steam Award nominations and 10% winter sale!

Hi everyone!

Two exciting things are happening for ADOM @ Steam right now:

  1. The Steam Award nominations are running right now. We feel that ADOM fits the „Stood the test of time“ category particularly well as there are probably are very few (if any?) games on Steam that have been under development for more than 20 years and can show the results! If you think likewise please head over to Steam and give us your vote on the ADOM Steam store page! Thanks a lot!
  2. Right now ADOM is taking part in the Winter sales event (something we are not doing very often). If you have not yet tried ADOM Deluxe on Steam with its ton if incredible extra features (see this list for a complete overview) now is a good time to cash in on a 10% discount and get started with ADOM at Steam. Have fun!
In the meantime we continue to work on getting various physical crowdfunding rewards shipping (the ADOM Lite RPG books should arrive around the 28th of November at my location – all 16 boxes from what UPS told me 😉 and we will start packaging and shipping immediately) and this weekend I hopefully will get all postcards for the reverse postcard quests prepared and send. So if you still haven’t confirmed your shipping address now the final hours for the first batch are running out!
(people below already seem to be lining up to get in on the fun 😉 )

Digital crowdfunding reward ready: Map of the Drakalor Chain

Dear ADOM: Resurrect ADOM Development crowdfunding donors,

if you donated in the campaign at the Champion level (or above) you now can download your digital copy of our beautiful Drakalor Chain map (designed by our incredible Team ADOM art director, the one and only Krzysztof Dycha [„Ravenmore“]). It already has been presented on the back cover of the ADOM Lite RPG and now is available in a huge resolution optimally suited for beautiful prints.

Update 13th of November: 9:31pm GMT +1: The PDF download now also is available.

To get your download just log in to the ADOM crowdfunding fulfillment portal and click on the download links.

Have fun!

Thomas Biskup
ADOM Maintainer

P.S.: And if you have not registered your current address for physical rewards you might be eligible to, please do that right now, too 😉

Crowdfunding address verification activated (ADOM Lite RPG & stuff)

24th of October, 10pm German time: I somehow managed to break the character encoding when saving address data. The problem is pretty weird as my code basically stopped working overnight: When I debugged my code I still had working data from yesterdays tests in the database – but I was unable to correctly store the data today. Even though I hadn’t changed anything about the code. It seems that ChAoS somehow is involved o_O 

As a consequence I sadly have to ask everyone to login once more, check their old inputs (or enter their data for the first time) and confirm the address data once again (I reset the confirmation flag to force you to check once more what you entered and prevent any new problems). I’m very sorry for the inconvenience and hopefully I didn’t break anything else (this time I even tested with Mandarine and other exotic encodings… everything now seems to work). So please check your address data!

Sorry once more – I am deeply ashamed!

Hi everyone!

Finally the address survey is online for ADOM Lite RPG (and the other physical rewards like the postcards, code certificates and RPG boxes from our crowdfunding campaign).

Please go to the ADOM: The Resurrection fulfillment portal, login or (or request your password data if you never before logged in or forgot your password) and then fill out the address form. Save the data and check the address confirmation box once you are sure that your full address is correct. Please note that I only will send out physical rewards to confirmed addresses!

Currently I plan a first shipment of stuff roughly for the 15th of November (so that everyone has a chance to get goodies before Christmas).

If there are any problems, you can’t login, the number of RPG copies shown is incorrect, etc. please drop me an email at creator(at) and I will try to work out any kinks during the next weeks.

Thanks for your patience and now let’s get your addresses confirmed.

ADOM R72 (version 2.2.6) released as a Steam beta!

Hi everyone!

We are proud to announce the release of ADOM R72 as a Steam beta. This release should be another very big step forward in our quest improving the ADOM/NotEye performance, the biggest change being the introduction of a JIT (just in time) compiler for the LUA scripting language which is used by major parts of the NotEye engine (which in turn drives all our output stuff for both ASCII and tiled modes on Steam). LUA is a scripting language that normally is interpreted at runtime (and thus slower than compiled languages). With the integration of LuaJIT we now combine the advantages of a scripting language with the performance of compiled languages – on some older test systems of ours we have seen a performance increase of up to 1500% (!) (but don’t expect that as a general case… it’s more of a special case for older systems… although many cases should see at least a doubling). Additionally the UI output now seems to behave less erratic and provides more constant frame rates.

Since this is our first experience with LuaJIT we again decided to go for a Steam beta release. To use it follow these instructions:

  • Go to your Steam games library.
  • Right-click on the ADOM entry.
  • Click on „Properties“.
  • Select the „Betas“ tab.
  • Select „Beta – public beta test“ in the dropdown box.
  • Close the dialog.
  • Play.
As usual you can find the changelog here (there are some more internal performance improvements and minor bugfixes).
And now enjoy playing!
Thomas & Team ADOM

ADOM R71 (version 2.2.5) released as a Steam beta!

Hi everyone!

And here we go again with the next minor ADOM release (while I keep working on the next truly major ADOM release and Jochen is reworking our build infrastructure): ADOM R71 (version 2.2.5) now is available as a Steam beta. Follow the instructions provided for previous beta releases to install ADOM R71. The changeling is available in the usual place.

Again we have a slew of minor improvements, the most importantly probably being the ability to configure the classic interface via a configuration option. Additionally we have fixed another batch of minor bugs.


P.S.: I still have to do my write-up of the roguelike celebration but I spent the past couple of days writing an entity-component-system in order to test out its general viability for ADOM (I got inspired by Cogmind and Caves of Qud during Roguelike Celebration 😉 ). I wrote my prototype in Java, discovered a number of issues (performance specifically) but now have a firm enough grasp on the topic to try mapping the approach to an ADOM quest/story engine I’m right now planning (although this is something that’s going to happen after we are done with the crowdfunding stuff… or at least 99% of it).

ADOM R70 released as a Steam beta!

Hi everyone!

Due to my presence at the Roguelike Celebration in San Francisco (and a nasty sunburn right now) I’m a bit late in announcing this: We already yesterday released ADOM R70 as a Steam beta. Update 9/20/2016: Due to positive feedback reports R70 now is the public version for Steam. The biggest change is the introduction of new internal graphics cache mechanisms that greatly should speed up performance. We are quite happy with the results so far and now eagerly wait for responses from the community.

You can the (short) changelog as usual here.

To test ADOM R70 do the following:

  • Go to your Steam games library.
  • Right-click on the ADOM entry.
  • Click on „Properties“.
  • Select the „Betas“ tab.
  • Select „Beta – public beta test“ in the dropdown box.
  • Close the dialog.
  • Play.
And now try it out!

Today is the day: Roguelike Celebration in San Francisco

Hi everyone!

Today is (to me) a very exciting day: I’m in San Francisco participating in the Roguelike Celebration conference. All day all kind of roguelike enthusiasts, creators and maintainers will engage in talks, discussions and other activities. You can find the full schedule here.

The talks also will be live-streamed on Twitch (all times in the schedule naturally are local SF times) and are available here:

Have fun watching and wish me luck for my presentation (covering 24 years of ADOM in about 24 minutes)  😉
P.S.: On the ADOM side we hopefully will release ADOM R70 as a Steam beta in the next 24 hours… it will include more performance improvements for the graphics mode (caching and stuff).